So it's been a long few bad. So much has happened, I've completed GCSE's, celebrated a year with my bae, started a new school, had an amazing summer, had a birthday (can someone say hello driving!) and I've had some time to think over things a kinda start a-fresh in terms of blogging.
Getting more onto the topic of this post, I'm starting a new chapter in my life, I've started working towards A-Levels, for those who don't know, they are qualifications that are required to get into a university/college, and it's currently very overwhelming, I mean, I don't consider myself as an almost adult and it's weird to think I'll be looking at uni's soon, but I thought I would try and post more. Mainly because I think it would help in terms of my English Language and it just gives me something to do, I'll be honest I did enjoy planning out what to write and just be myself and feel like I'm talking to someone even if I'm not.
So yeah that's my plan!
See ya later!
Charlotte :)