Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Whole Day in Bullet Points - Day 4

Hey Slimer's, today is Wednesday and it is the...22nd January, let's talk about my day! It hasn't been the most interesting (I've been at school all day) but I'll try and make it interesting.

I woke up at 6 to shower,

Got dressed and ready for a normal person would,
Did my morning chores,
Left the house about 7:30,
Walked down and got the bus about 7:55...the damn bus was late,
Got to school about 8:20,
Lost my umbrella in between registration and first lesson,
Got a D in maths,
Messed around in English and got yelled at,
Finalised the details for the charity concert and ran through my music ensemble,
Got told I was amazing at singing and playing piano (it's not sunk in yet),
Decided that I was going to be brave and perform in the concert in front of the school,
I still have no chemistry book and my 'teacher' can't teach properly,
I had big band after school as usual and I have teeth marks on the inside of my lips,
Found out I have a 28 inch waist,
Skyped my cousin for a few hours,
Sat down and started blogging.

So that was my day, it's not very exciting but it's better than nothing!

See ya later

Charlie :)

R.F.O.T.D: A species of earthworm in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length

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