Friday, February 21, 2014

5 Weird Things I Like - Day 29

Hey Slimer's, weird things huh? Well I like a lot of weird things...shut up Charlotte! You're making us look creepy!
I have no words to try and defend to fill the awkwardness I may have just brought upon us, let's get on to the main topic of this blog post!

5. I like when I have my hand in a certain position it looks a lot more lady-like than it really does
4. Beer bottle lids, like, the ones you get off the glass bottles that you need a bottle opener for
3. Marshmallows
2. The colour orange
1. Flinging worms into the neighbours garden

Now...if you find these weird, don't say I didn't warn you. I mean, the title clearly explains it so I'm just were warned!

See ya later

Charlie :)

R.F.O.T.D: Evil clowns can be hired to stalk your child for a week before their birthday

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