Hey Slimer's, thought I'd do something a little more fun and interesting today...20 questions about me! I thought it would be a better thing to do than what I was originally planning so let's do it!
1.What is your middle name?
My middle name is Emily.
2. What is your zodiac sign?
My zodiac sign is Virgo, I was born the beginning of September.
3. Name three of your fears.
Clowns, the dark and spiders.
4. What was the last song you listened to?
Hey Soul Sister by Train because I need to learn it for a concert performance.
5. What colour underwear are you wearing today?
White and flowery.
6. What are three things that make you happy?
Music, whether that's me playing it or people playing it to me, sharing old memories with my cousins and bad jokes.
7. What do you find attractive in someone?
If they have nice eyes then I'm pretty much sold, if they can keep me laughing, can put up with my lack of guy knowledge and have a fucking amazing personality.
8. Do you drink tea or coffee?
Tea...coffee is disgustingly weird.
9. What does your last text say and who is it to?
My last text was to Algie and it says 'Nighty night!!! Xxx'
10. How do you vent your anger?
By drawing how I feel, it's fairly effective. I have people I can talk to instead but sometimes it doesn't help or they don't know what to say.
11. What's the weather like right now?
Blue skies with a lot of multi-coloured clouds.
12. Do you have any nicknames?
My common nickname is Charlie, although Freya calls me Owner sometimes.
13. Are you the kind of person you'd want to have as a friend?
Fuck no, mate I am a bitch! I'm the opposite of what kind of person I'd have as a friend.
14. How can someone win your heart?
Now, you see, I'm a very complicated person and I'm a rather acquired taste. The main thing that will win me over is if I can trust them not to hurt me, if I can see that they care about me then I'll start opening myself up to them. If they are a gentleman and, even though I may not need it, they compliment me a lot because I like that. If they can be themself around me and are comfortable then I'm perfectly happy.
15. What size shoe do you wear?
Size 6 and a half.
16. What is the best decision you've made in your life so far?
Doing all the charity work that I've done over the past three years.
17. Are you afraid of falling in love?
Sort of yeah, I'm more afraid of the process of it, like, what happens leading up to it. Once I've already gotten past that then I'm not scared or worried, I just get nervous about opening up and letting myself fall.
18. Do you think that anyone has feelings for you?
Hmmm naah! You kidding? Haha, okay being serious, I don't know, possibly, I mean, there may be someone. I have no idea.
19. Where is your latest bruise located?
My arm, I got hit.
20. Does anything on your body hurt?
Yeah, my head and my stomach.
There we go! 20 questions for you, hope you liked it!
See ya later
R.F.O.T.D: The Hawaiian alphabet has only twelve letters
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