Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Get Your Freak On! 13 Weird Facts

HEY!!! It's sunny and I'm in a good mood, I've seen people do YouTube tags for this, but I don't have a YouTube channel so instead I thought I'd just write it out? If that's okay with you...oh well I'm going to do it anyway.

1. What's a nickname that only your family calls you?
I have many different nicknames, my mum calls me Tablekin (I haven't got an explanation for that), my dad calls me Squib, my nan calls me Petal or Bumble Bee.

2. What's a weird habit of yours?

I have a weird habit of laughing in awkward or inappropriate situations, it gets me in trouble a lot.

3. Do you have any weird phobias?

I have a fear of spiders but that's fairly normal, would you count a fear of clowns weird? Anyway I do, I also have a fear of things near my face. That's fairly weird, in my opinion.

4. What's a song you secretly love to belt out when you're alone?

Umm...a song that I secretly love is Titanium by David Guetta.

5. What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

I hate when people try and be cool, but you can tell that they feel so awkward. It just makes me want to tell them to stop because they're embarrassing themselves.

6. What's one of your nervous habits?

When I'm nervous I hide. Simple as that, when I am nervous about something I will avoid anyone and everyone until it's over and done with.

7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

I sleep on the left side of the bed, or the side that's by the wall. I don't know why, but I have to be near a wall.

8. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name?

My first stuffed animal was a teddy bear, but I accidentally burnt his ear off. I think I used to call him Bubba, or something along those lines. I still have him in my room.

9. Which way do you face in the shower?

I face the shower door so that I can see everything, otherwise I think something's going to jump out and kill me.

10. Do you have any weird body skills?

Yeah. I can touch my nose with my toe, which I found out earlier, and I can bend my thumb back to touch my wrist on the same side.

11. What's your favourite comfort food?

Well that's easy, Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream. It is by far the most amazing thing ever created!

12. What's a phrase or word that you always say?

 Chubblers. It's a word my friend and I came up with and have no meaning to it, but I use it to describe things instead of chubby.

13. What do you wear to bed? 

It depends on the weather, in the winter and leading up to it, I always wear my onesie. But in the summer I'll probably wear a baggy t-shirt to bed.

So that was just a few questions, but I hope you liked it and tell me about your weird facts! 

See ya later

Charlie :)

R.F.O.T.D: When you die, your hair still grows for a couple of months

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