Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Charity I Think You Should Know About

A charity that I think you should know about, that is also quite close to my heart, is a cancer charity called Macmillan. It helps families that are dealing with cancer either themselves or with a loved one. 

They do many things, they hold coffee mornings for people to talk, they have nurses that come out to help you and answer any questions you might have. They have a very good website with lots more details on how to help, volunteering opportunities, fundraising, donations and a full on description on where the money raised goes.

At the end of last year my mum shaved her hair off as a fundraising idea for the charity, we also did several cake sales at both mine and my brothers schools and in the end we raised over £2100. 

The first thing my mum said afterwards was 'I didn't think my hair was worth that much on or off my head,' but my uncle also shaved his head too to show support.

So what I'm trying to get at really was that I was thinking if every single one of you helped out a bit and donated a little money for Macmillan then we can help the thousands of families trying to cope with cancer.

Here are all the details for Macmillan: Macmillan

See ya later

Charlie :)

R.F.O.T.D: More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.

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