Saturday, October 18, 2014

5 Halloween Ideas

Hey guys, so as you know halloween is rapidly approaching and I don't know about you but I personally love halloween. Not because I like scaring people or anything. I just think it's kind of fun to do with a group of friends or your partner. 
The purpose of today's little post is not only to give you guys some inspiration on halloween costumes if you're at a dead end, but to also give me some inspiration because quite frankly I got nothing, not a single burst of thought in my head. Without further ado, let's begin!

1. First up we have...The Corpse Bride, now I personally think this is such a cool idea. You can just have fun with it and make it as over the top, or as normal, as you want.
2. Next, for a group of people, we have...Ghostbusters, I loved Ghostbusters and I just think this whole idea is just incredibly fun and great to do with friends. 
3. A little bit of a weird one but if you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are stuck for ideas, why not go as characters from Alice and Wonderland, I mean, why not? Just have a little fun with it!
4. Now this may not be for everyone but if you are really and truly stuck, why not just do the simple thing and cover yourself with a white sheet? Instant ghost costume.
5. Final one, everyone needs to be a Disney character, relive your childhood favourite, go it!

That's it guys! I hope you now feel inspired, I will no doubt be sharing with you what I (and a possible surprise guest) might be doing for halloween so until then...

See ya soon!

Charlotte :)

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